Výzva k účasti na tendrech pro vzdělávací program BTSF 2013
Výzva k účasti na tendrech pro vzdělávací program BTSF 2013
Výkonná agentura pro zdraví a spotřebitele – EAHC, kterou Komise pověřila řízením školicích programů BTSF („Kvalitnější školení pro bezpečnější potraviny“), zveřejnila níže uvedené výzvy k účasti na výběrových řízeních.
Předmětem tendrů je organizace, management a realizace školicích aktivit Společenství soustředěných na oblast bezpečnosti potravin a krmiv a zdraví zvířat.
Call 2013: Tenders
- Call for tender n° EAHC/2013/BTSF/01: Organisation and implementation of training activities on HACCP principles and audit techniques under the "Better Training for Safer Food" initiative
- Call for tender n° EAHC/2013/BTSF/02: Organisation and implementation of training activities on Animal health and disease prevention for bees and zoo animals under the "Better Training for Safer Food" initiative
- Call for tender n° EAHC/2013/BTSF/03: Organisation and implementation of training activities on Animal identification, registration and traceability under the "Better Training for Safer Food" initiative
- Call for tender n° EAHC/2013/BTSF/04: Organisation and implementation of training activities on food additives, flavourings and enzymes under the "Better Training for Safer Food" initiative
- Call for tender n° EAHC/2013/BTSF/05: Organisation and implementation of training activities on Residues of veterinary medicinal products in food of animal origin under the "Better Training for Safer Food" initiative
- Call for tender n° EAHC/2013/BTSF/06: Organisation and implementation of training activities on Principles and methods of food safety risk assessment under the "Better Training for Safer Food" initiative
- Call for tender n° EAHC/2013/BTSF/07: Organisation and implementation of training activities on Contingency planning and animal disease control under the "Better Training for Safer Food" initiative
- Call for tender n° EAHC/2013/BTSF/08: Organisation and implementation of training activities on Prevention, control and eradication of Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies under the "Better Training for Safer Food" initiative
- Call for tender n° EAHC/2013/BTSF/09: Organisation and implementation of training activities on New and emerging plant health risks under the "Better Training for Safer Food" initiative
- Call for tender n° EAHC/2013/BTSF/10: Organisation and implementation of training activities on strengthening Member States' response to Union audits under the "Better Training for Safer Food" initiative
- Call for tender n° EAHC/2013/BTSF/11: Organisation and implementation of training activities on Plant protection product authorisation and their sustainable use under the "Better Training for Safer Food" initiative
- Call for tender n° EAHC/2013/BTSF/12: Organisation and implementation of training activities on Food hygiene at primary production under the "Better Training for Safer Food" initiative
- Call for tender n° EAHC/2013/BTSF/13: Organisation and implementation of training activities on Food hygiene and flexibility under the "Better Training for Safer Food" initiative
- Call for tender n° EAHC/2013/BTSF/14: Organisation and implementation of training activities on new investigation techniques for official controls along the food chain under the "Better Training for Safer Food" initiative
- Call for tender n° EAHC/2013/BTSF/15: Organisation and implementation of training activities on The Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed (RASFF) under the "Better Training for Safer Food" initiative
- Call for tender n° EAHC/2013/BTSF/16: Organisation and implementation of training activities on official supervision as regards semen, ova and embryos under the "Better Training for Safer Food" initiative
Školicí aktivity BTSF, uskutečňované převážně pro země EU, jsou zaměřené pro zaměstnance příslušných orgánů, které se zabývají potravinovým a krmivovým právem a předpisy pro zdraví zvířat.
Veškeré dokumenty k jednotlivým 16 tendrům jsou dostupné na webové stránce
DG SANCO – Generální ředitelství pro zdraví a spotřebitele při EK má nadále základní vedení a funkci a kontrolu nad vzdělávacími aktivitami BTSF.
Poslední termín předložení nabídek je stanoven na 27. září 2013
Vydáno: 6.9.2013
Autor: ÚZEI, Agronavigátor